100 Strong Mentorship Program

Youth with mentors are shown to have an increased likelihood of attending college, having a more positive attitude towards school, higher social and emotional development and improved self-esteem (, 2019). Mentors have the ability to share experiences, knowledge, support and advice that students may not have access to through school or their lives otherwise.

Reports show that although 94% of Black youth aged 15 to 25 said that they would like to get a bachelor’s degree or higher, only 60% thought they could (Statistics Canada, 2016). We are currently living at a critical period of time in which it has never been more important to focus on the empowerment and success of young black boys. It is with this understanding in mind that 100 Strong is seeking volunteers to participate in a 12-month mentorship program to help mentor students in the areas of: entrepreneurship, business, medicine, law, film, accounting, engineering, education, among others. As a mentor, you will play an integral role in helping to promote self-empowerment within the boys of the 100 Strong Foundation. Your guidance and mentorship will also help to provide the knowledge and understanding required to succeed in school and in their respective communities.

If you would like to become a mentor, please contact us: